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Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь - face


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Перевод с английского языка face на русский

1) лицо; морда (животного) 2) лицевая поверхность 3) выражение лица 4) гримаса 5) вид спереди – alert face – bared-teeth face – dished face – E face – fracture face – lip-smacking face – neutral face – P face – pointed face – relaxed face – relaxed open-mouth face – straight face – valve face – white face
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См. в других словарях

  1. лицо, физиономия face massage —- массаж лица face angle —- антр. лицевой угол black (blue,red) in the face —- багровый (от гнева, напряжения и т. п.) 2. морда (животного) 3. выражение лица face of a dying calf —- глуповато-меланхолическое выражение лица his face fell —- у него вытянулась физиономия straight face —- бесстрастное (ничего не выражающее) лицо, "маска" to straighten one's face —- пытаться принять невозмутимый вид, успокоиться, перестать смеяться to keep a straigt face, to keep one's face straight —- сохранять невозмутимое (бесстрастное) выражение; удерживаться от смеха to make (to pull, to weer) a long face —- иметь огорченный (печальный, кислый, мрачный, разочарованный) вид to read people's faces —- быть хорошим физиономистом 4. разг. гримаса to make (to pull) a face —- сделать гримасу, гримасничать to make faces —- корчить (строить) рожи to make (to pull) a pitiful face —- скорчить постную физиономию to make a wry face —- скорчить рожу 5. внешний вид on (upon) the face of (it) —- судя по внешнему виду; на первый взгляд upon the face of the document —- если исходить из буквального смысла документа on the face of it you are guilty —- похоже на то, что вы виновны the idea is absurd on the face of it —- на первый взгляд эта мысль кажется абсурдной to carry a (the) face (of) —- казаться (кем-л., чем-л.) this version carries no face of probability —- эта...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) лицо; лик; физиономия - face to face in/to smb. s face открыто, в лицо, в глаза - in the face of - laugh in face - black in the face - full face - half face - straight face - keep a straight face  2) выражение лица a sad/long face - печальный, мрачный вид  3) гримаса - draw faces - make faces  4) внешний вид on the face of it - судя по внешнему виду; на первый взгляд to put a new face on - представить все в новом свете; придать другой вид to put a bold face on - не растеряться  5) передняя, лицевая сторона, лицо (медали и т.п.); правая сторона (ткани; тж. face of cloth)  6) obs. вид спереди; фасад  7) наглость to have the face to say - иметь наглость сказать что-л. - show a face  8) циферблат  9) tech. (лобовая) поверхность; торец; срез, фаска  10) mil. фас; right about face! - направо кругом!  11) geom. грань  12) mining забой; плоскость забоя  13) облицовка  14) typ. очко (литеры)  15) constr. ширина (доски)  16) sport струнная поверхность (теннисной ракетки) to fling/cast/throw smth. in smb. s face - бросать в лицо - before smb. s face - save ones face - lose face to set ones face against smth. (решительно) противиться чему-л. to open ones face amer. заговорить, перестать отмалчиваться its written all over his face это у него на лбу написано to travel on ones face, to run ones face amer. использовать располагающую внешность для достижения цели; выезжать на смазливой мордочке  2. v.  1) стоять лицом к...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. сущ. 1) лицо 2) лицевая сторона • - at face value - face to face - in the face of 2. гл. 1) стоять лицом к 2) встречать смело 3) смотреть в лицо 4) сталкиваться - face difficulties FACE лицевая сторона; экран; столкнуться с – type face ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) встретить 2) встречать 3) грань 4) забой 5) забойный 6) лицевать 7) лицевая поверхность 8) лицевой 9) лицо 10) личной 11) облицовочный 12) облицовывать 13) пласть 14) торец 15) торцевать 16) торцовать 17) торцовый 18) циферблат 19) экран advance face to the dip — подвигать забой по падению advance face to the rise — подвигать забой по восстанию advance face to the strike — подвигать забой по простиранию bevel face of crystal — скашивать грань кристалла boundary bounding face — окаймленная грань cleave face of crystal — скалывать грань кристалла design of type face — начертание шрифта face milling cutter — торцовая фреза face of a hammer — лицо молота face of polyhedral angle — грань многогранного угла face power shovel — прямая механическая лопата face slab of dam — напорная плита плотины face up a contact — зачищать контакт front of working face — очистный фронт pick hammer face — молотковая лава picture tube face — экран кинескопа smallest closed simplicial face — наименьшая замкнутая симплициальная грань suction face of blade — спинка лопасти top line of type face — верхняя линия шрифта width of face area — ширина призабойного пространства - active face - blade face - boundary face - breakage face - bulb face - cleavage face - closed face - coal face - combinatorial face - continuous face - cube face - cutter face - cutter-loading face - dead face - disk face - double face - essential face - even face - exceptional face - face of brick - face of crystal -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  (= faceplate) 1) экран электронно-лучевой трубки, экран ЭЛТ 2) шкала 3) лицевая панель – bottom face – front face – mosaic face – neutral-density face – phosphor-dot face – reading face – spherical face – working face ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  лицевая поверхность; грань; облицовка облицовывать фасад (здания) забой; стенка выемки bevel face скошенная грань (напр. клина) наклонная поверхность (стены и т. п.) digging face downstream face end face exposed face hot face inner face inset beam face interior face lateral face marked face mixed face pilaster face side face spillway face tunnel face upstream face wall face water face watertight face work face ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  сокр. от face advance control equipment оборудование для контроля подвигания забоя FACE 1) передняя поверхность; верхняя поверхность; наружная поверхность 2) лицо, лицевая сторона, лицевая поверхность; лобовая поверхность 3) грань (напр. геометрической фигуры, кристалла); фаска, срез 4) горн. забой; лава 5) гидр. откос; грань 6) облицовка; защитное покрытие облицовывать; устраивать защитное покрытие 7) экран (плотины) устраивать экран (плотины) 8) подпил, подруб (дерева при валке); надрез (ствола) 9) пласть (пиломатериала) 10) плоский боёк (молота) 11) режущая кромка (напр. пилы) 12) фасад, вид спереди 13) торцевая поверхность, торец подрезать торец, производить торцевую обработку 14) обработанная поверхность 15) передняя поверхность (режущего инструмента) 16) ширина венца (ЗК) 17) дно (баллона ЭЛТ); экран (ЭЛГ) 18) передняя панель (прибора) 19) шкала (прибора) 20) начертание (рисунок) шрифта 21) очко (литеры) 22) лицевая сторона оттиска 23) пищ. передняя грань (рифли вальца) 24) верхняя поверхность (нижнего жёрнова) 25) циферблат (часов) 26) отделывать одежду face left — геод. круг лево; face right — геод. круг право; to change face — геод. изменять положение вертикального круга (при измерении...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 the front of the head from the forehead to the chin. 2 the expression of the facial features (had a happy face). 3 composure, coolness, effrontery. 4 the surface of a thing, esp. as regarded or approached, esp.: a the visible part of a celestial body. b a side of a mountain etc. (the north face). c the (usu. vertical) surface of a coal-seam. d Geom. each surface of a solid. e the fa{ccedil}ade of a building. f the plate of a clock or watch bearing the digits, hands, etc. 5 a the functional or working side of a tool etc. b the distinctive side of a playing card. c the obverse of a coin. 6 = TYPEFACE. 7 the outward appearance or aspect (the unacceptable face of capitalism). 8 a person, esp. conveying some quality or association (a face from the past; some young faces for a change). --v. 1 tr. & intr. look or be positioned towards or in a certain direction (face towards the window; facing the window; the room faces north). 2 tr. be opposite (facing page 20). 3 tr. a (often foll. by out) meet resolutely or defiantly; confront (face one's critics). b not shrink from (face the facts). 4 tr. present itself to; confront (the problem that faces us; faces us with a problem). 5 tr. a cover the surface of a thing with a coating, extra layer, etc. b put a facing on (a garment). 6 intr. & tr. turn or cause to turn in a certain direction. Phrases and idioms face-ache 1 neuralgia. 2 sl. a mournful-looking person. face-card = court-card. face-cloth 1 a cloth for washing one's face. 2 a smooth-surfaced woollen cloth. face-cream a cosmetic cream applied to the face to improve the complexion. face down (or downwards) with the face or surface turned towards the ground, floor, etc. face facts (or the facts) recognize the truth. face-flannel = face-cloth 1. face-lift 1 (also face-lifting) cosmetic surgery to remove wrinkles etc. by tightening the skin of the face. 2 a procedure to improve the appearance of a thing. face the music colloq. put up with or stand up to unpleasant consequences, esp. criticism. face-pack a preparation...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Vulgar Latin *facia, from Latin facies make, form, ~, from ~re to make, do — more at do  Date: 13th century  1.  a. the front part of the head that in humans extends from the forehead to the chin and includes the mouth, nose, cheeks, and eyes  b. the ~ as a means of identification ; countenance would know that ~ anywhere  2. archaic presence, sight  3.  a. facial expression a friendly ~  b. a facial expression of distaste or displeasure he made a ~ when he saw the test results  c. makeup 3a(1)  4.  a.  (1) outward appearance put a good ~ on it  (2) the aspect of something that is perceptible or obvious upon superficial examination the theory is absurd on its ~ — Kim Neely  b. disguise, pretense  c.  (1) assurance, confidence maintaining a firm ~ in spite of adversity  (2) effrontery how anyone could have the ~ to ask that question  d. dignity, prestige afraid to lose ~  5. sur~:  a.  (1) a front, upper, or outer sur~  (2) the front of something having two or four sides  (3) facade  (4) an exposed sur~ of rock  (5) any of the plane sur~s that bound a geometric solid  b. a sur~ specially prepared: as  (1) the principal dressed sur~ (as of a disk)  (2) the right side (as of cloth or leather)  (3) an inscribed, printed, or marked side  c. a striking sur~ (as of a tool) the ~ of the golf club the ~ of an anvil  d.  (1) the sur~ (as of type) that receives the ink and transfers it to the paper  (2) a style of type  6. the end or wall of a mine tunnel, drift, or excavation at which work is progressing  7. ~ value  8. person lots of new ~s around here  II. verb  (~d; facing)  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1. to confront impudently  2.  a. to line near the edge especially with a different material  b. to cover the front or sur~ of ~d the building with marble  3. to meet ~-to-~ or in competition  4.  a. to stand or sit with the ~ toward  b. to have the...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  I. [c red]NOUN USES (faces) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Please look at category 25 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword. 1. Your face is the front part of your head from your chin to the top of your forehead, where your mouth, eyes, nose, and other features are. A strong wind was blowing right in my face... He was going red in the face and breathing with difficulty... She had a beautiful face. N-COUNT: oft poss N 2. If your face is happy, sad, or serious, for example, the expression on your face shows that you are happy, sad, or serious. He was walking around with a sad face... The priest frowned into the light, his face puzzled. N-COUNT: poss N, adj N 3. The face of a cliff, mountain, or building is a vertical surface or side of it. ...the north face of the Eiger... He scrambled 200 feet up the cliff face. N-COUNT: with supp, oft N of n 4. The face of a clock or watch is the surface with the numbers or hands on it, which shows the time. N-COUNT 5. If you say that the face of an area, institution, or field of activity is changing, you mean its appearance or nature is changing. ...the changing face of the British countryside... N-SING: the N of n 6. If you refer to something as the particular face of an activity, belief, or system, you mean that it is one particular aspect of it, in contrast to other aspects. Who ever thought people would see Arsenal as the acceptable face of football? N-SING: the adj N of n 7. If you lose face, you do something which makes you appear weak and makes people respect or admire you less. If you do something in order to save face, you do it in order to avoid appearing weak and losing people’s respect or admiration. To cancel the airport would mean a loss of face for the present governor... She claimed they’d been in love, but I sensed she was only saying this to save face. N-UNCOUNT 8. see also about-face, face value, poker face 9. If you say that someone...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »FRONT OF YOUR HEAD« the front part of the head from the chin to the forehead  (She has such a pretty face. | Bob's face was covered in cuts and bruises. | a sea of faces (=a lot of faces seen together))  (The Principal looked down from the platform at the sea of faces below) 2 »EXPRESSION« an expression on someone's face  (the children's happy faces | make/pull a face (=change your expression to make people laugh, or to show that you are angry, disappointed etc))  (Emma was making faces at me through the window.) you should have seen his/her face spoken (=used to say how angry, surprised etc someone looked)  (You should have seen Steve's face when I told him I was resigning. | sb's face was a picture spoken (=used to say that they looked very angry, surprised etc) | sb's face brightened/lit up (=they started to smile and look happy))  (David's face lit up when I mentioned her name. | sb's face fell (=they started to look disappointed or upset))  (His face fell when I told him the news. | a face like thunder (=a very angry expression))  (Mr Neeson came striding towards us with a face like thunder. | a long face (=an unhappy or worried expression)) 3 »PERSON« a) a famous/well-known face someone who is famous from television, magazines, films etc b) new/different face someone who you have not seen before  (There are a few new faces in class this year.) c) the same old faces people that you see often, especially too often  (It's the same old faces at our meetings every week.) 4 pale-faced/round-faced etc having a face that has a particular shape or colour  (a pale-faced youth)  (- see also red­faced) 5 serious-faced/grim-faced etc showing a particular expression on your face  (Negotiators emerged grim-faced after the day's talks.)  (- see also barefaced, po­faced, poker­faced, stony­faced) 6 face to face a) if two people are face to face, they are very close and in front of each other  (meet sb face to face)  (I've never met her face to face. We've only talked on the phone. | come face to face with ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  transport. abbr. Fatality Assessment And Control Evaluation mil. abbr. Forward Aviation Combat Engineering univ. abbr. Fine Arts Core Education file ext. abbr. Bitmap graphics (UNIX Faceserver image file) (Usenix FACE) educ. abbr. Family And Child Education religion abbr. Faith And Cultural Exchange law abbr. Fire Awareness Child Education gen. bus. abbr. Friends Achieving Customer Excellence gen. bus. abbr. Friends Of Active Copyright Education gen. bus. abbr. Fast, Accurate, Cheap, And Easy gen. bus. abbr. Focus Ask Comment And Employ gen. bus. abbr. Focus Align Connect And Excel pos. abbr. Fast Accredited Creative Expert firm name abbr. Fast Accredited Creative Experts ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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